Michael Cubey, originally from New Zealand, exhibited at the Beatty Gallery in Sydney but then went to the UK where he is Asst Director, Head of Property at the Bow Arts Trust. The triptych Three Ways when purchased was hung as three separate paintings side by side. After the exhibition we had them framed so that all three were in the one frame. The black steel frame had to be purpose designed and constructed. Malcolm Benham, was very impressed with this painting and said “you have purchased a very important work, a major work”. Notes from the artist's 2006 web site : Born in Wellington New Zealand, in 1964, where he trained and exhibited before moving to Europe, Michael has been based in London since 1990 - Given a camera 1974 - Spent his adolescence watching and measuring spaces [the sparrow years] - Was told photography was too easy. Eventually decided this was, alas, true. - Gave up on the easy life and started to paint 1985 - Managed Cable Street Studios + Gallery, London 1994 -2000 2006 - Michael paints in oil on a variety of supports: canvas, boards and metal. The smaller paintings incorporate objects such as brushes, flattened out paint tubes ... whatever is needed. The highlight has been carrying on painting whatever happens in life. He would love to be able to paint full time. Michael works in a studio attached to his home in London. He shares his house and life with his wife, two children and two cats.